Table Hockey, circa 1948
I picked up this beauty a few weks ago at a local garage sale. I immediately recognized it as an early Munro table hockey game, and had to have it for the den. Donald H. Munro was the inventor of table hockey and started making wooden games at his Toronto home in 1932. They would eventually be sold in Eaton's Catalogue and various sporting good stores and were marketed as "6 Man National Hockey" games.

A detail of the woven net with the "goalie" peg.
The beautiful leaf logo at "centre ice".
I believe my game was manufactured and sold in 1948.
The official rules that came with the game are as follows.
A game of skill - 2 to 6 players
A steel ball is used instead of a puck
Use finger tip only on controls
Penalty: When a player (or side) knocks puck out of rink, opposing player (or side) takes penalty shot.
Penalty Shot: Only the goalie of the penalized side is allowed to play against entire team of his opponent until goal is scored or puck is out of play.
Game should be played on a flat and level surface. If there is more play at one end of game than the other, insert a thin piece of cardboard under rubber bumper or foot to adjust level.

Looks pretty, pretty good on the den wall.