1912 New Westminster Royals

Here's some great images found in the City of Vancouver Archives online database. First is a cool team composite image of the inaugural Pacific Coast Hockey Association champions, New Westminster Royals. The squad included four future Hockey Hall of Famers and apparently a dog as a mascot. The PCHA was a three team circuit of New Westminster, Vancouver Millionaires and Victoria Aristocrats with New West finishing on top with a record of 9-6. Also in the archives is a nice pic of Hall of Fame goaltender Hugh Lehman. His goals against average of 5.07 and 9 wins were tops in the league. He would go on to lead the Millionaires to the 1915 Stanley Cup and star in Vancouver until 1926. At age 41 Lehman joined the Chicago Blackhawks for the 1926/27 season before retiring the following season. Hugh Lehman The other three Hall of Famers on the Royals in 1912 were Jimmy Gardner, Harry Hyland and defender Ernie "Moose" Johnson. The third photo from the archives is of train...