Esso NHL Pocket Schedules
Last weekend I picked up a 1962/63 Esso NHL Pocket Schedule at the flea market. After getting it home to the Den, I realized I now had four different years of Esso Schedules from this era. Time to start going out of my way and looking for some more. The first one I picked up a few years ago was the the 1958/59 one (pictured above and below). The artwork of the kids playing pond hockey is really nice on this one. The great thing about the schedules from this time is that since they were only issued by Esso Canada, they always featured the only two Canadian NHL teams, Montreal and Toronto. Just another piece of Maple Leafs memorabilia for me to collect.
The 62/63 schedule featured photos of two vintage Cup winning teams, you guessed it, Montreal and Toronto. Pictured were the first Stanley Cup winning teams from each city, Montreal A.A.A. and Toronto Blueshirts.
1963/64 features more terrific artwork of the Habs and Leafs. This schedule was courtesy of Sullivan's Esso Station in Edmundston, New Brunswick as seen by the stamp on the front.
1966/67 shows some nice black and white action photos of Canada's teams.
