THE Worst Hockey Logos EVER
Finally, the Worst of the Worst…
The Cyclones logo has it all. A fantastically horrible drawing with an equally terrible design concept. I am assuming the “goalie” is supposed to be forming the letter “C” with his arms. I really enjoy his stumpy blocker arm that appears to be holding only the bottom part of a goalie stick. The goaltender as we know, is the only player that can play with a broken stick, but there’s no reason to display this fact in a team’s logo. I also really like the fact that the goalie has the actual logo on his own jersey, nice attention to detail I must say. The cyclone that is hovering behind the goalie looks as if it was sketched in as an afterthought. In fact the entire logo appears to have been drawn on a napkin, with that being it’s final stage of design.
The Tidewater Sharks of the Southern Hockey League, wow. Pure greatness in this one. By great I mean, awful. This round nosed killer of the sea has had his tail fin sliced down the middle and the ends jammed into red dancing shoes…with handles on them. He’s a mad bugger though, watch out for this guy traipsing down the ice while performing his patented, “bouncing a giant puck on the end of the stick” move. One of the wonders of nature indeed.
The New York Slapshots…oh my. The most interesting thing about this squad was that they were coached by the Hammer, Dave Schultz…to a last place finish of 21 wins and 38 losses. This Tron-reject of a logo is wearing CRICKET PADS for Christ’s sake. And the “artist” didn’t even bother giving it feet. Oh crap…I drew the character too close to the edge of the circle…I know, I just wont give him feet. No one will ever know....
Also, is it just me, but does he have quite the rack on him or what. Quite the busty fellow indeed. I wont even touch the hockey stick. There's just too much brutalness in this one.
I’ll finish with a simple, yet awful logo for the Decatur Storm. This would fail as a logo for an elementary school debate team. Obviously another example of the coach’s kid designing the team logo, not a good idea.

Also, is it just me, but does he have quite the rack on him or what. Quite the busty fellow indeed. I wont even touch the hockey stick. There's just too much brutalness in this one.

Anyhow, these are my picks for worst hockey logos in history. Feel free to comment on any of these delightful pieces of art.
one thing that i hate about hockey logos is all the damn cartoon animals, as though they were designed for grade school kids. most of the worst in these are found in the minors.