More Crosby & Gretzky

Today is a perfect time to further compare the current exploits of Sidney Crosby to the greatness of, not that Gretzky above, the mullet-laden one below (I'll take any chance I can to put a picture of Paulina on the Den). Anyway rather than look at the streaks of each, I wanted to further examine just the raw season stats. Sid has now played 38 games and tallied 32 goals and 33 assists. In 1981/82, after Wayner had played 38 games he had 45 goals and 57 assists. Of course, the next game he went out and ventilated Pete Peeters and the Flyers for 5 goals and a helper. At first glance it's obvious that Gretz's 102 points in 38 games blows Sid's 65 out of the water. I am here however to provide more than a "first glance", that's where the calculator comes in. We all know that a straight-up comparison of different eras doesn't give a clear picture, especially the free-wheeling early '80s versus today's game. Over the entire 1981/82 ...