Maple Leafs 1964 Colouring Book
I picked this beauty up recently, a colouring book issued in late 1964 commemorating the Leafs Cup victory. It's in pretty much new condition and since I couldn't find these images on the internet, I figured I'd add them myself.

A proud captain Armstrong and a long-headed Eddie Shack are depicted next.
Red Kelly and his early helmet, and even in colouring book form Tim Horton looks kind of mean.
Front cover of the book showing the 1963/64 Cup Winners.
The smiling faces of Mahovlich and Keon looking almost identical in these two drawings.

A proud captain Armstrong and a long-headed Eddie Shack are depicted next.
Even King Clancy and trainer Bob Haggert get the colouring book treatment.
Just a few of the great images from the book, and no I will not be spending the evening sharpening my crayons and colouring them in.