Maple Leafs Four, Mystery Photo

Above is another great photo found in the City of Toronto Archives showing four Maple Leafs at what appears to be Varsity Arena in Toronto. No names or dates were attached to the photo, that's where the Society for International Hockey Research database comes in handy. The easiest to identify is second from right, Leaf defenseman Wally Stanowski, and at the far right centre, Pete Langelle. (both pictured below) Wally Stanowski Pete Langelle Both of them were from Winnipeg and after beginning their NHL careers with Toronto, both would join the Canadian Military in 1942. They skated together in their hometown in the Winnipeg National Defense League with the Winnipeg RCAF Bombers hockey club. They each remained there for three seasons until the end of World War II. Stanowski returned to claim his spot on the Maple Leaf blue line during the 44/45 season while Langelle played out his career in the minor leagues. To identify the other two players I reached out to ho...